51.重症群はHunt and Kosnik Grade IV、V としました。 The patients with Hunt and Kosnik Grade IV and V were [ ] as ‘Severe’ Group.
52.対照群として、年齢・性別・ボディマス指数が一致する健常ボランティア25名を、書面による同意を得て用いました。 We used as a control group 25 healthy volunteers with their written consent [ ] for age, sex and body mass index.
53.2000年から2007年の間に当科にて外科治療を行い、組織学的に神経膠芽腫(GBM)と診断された症例で、診断後36ヵ月以上の生存期間を認めた5例を長期生存群としました。 We [ ] long-term survivors as follows:5 patients who were diagnosed as GBM histologically between 2000 and 2007, who then received surgical removal in our department and survived more than 36 month after diagnosis.
54.対照群は生理食塩水を投与されました。 The control group was [ ] to normal saline.
55.患者は全員、書面によって治療に同意しました。 All patients agreed to treatment with [ ] consent.
51.The patients with Hunt and Kosnik Grade IV and V were assessedas ‘Severe’ Group.
52.We used as a control group 25 healthy volunteers with their written consent matched for age, sex and body mass index.
53.We defined long-term survivors as follows:5 patients who were diagnosed as GBM histologically between 2000 and 2007, who then received surgical removal in our department and survived more than 36 month after diagnosis.
54.The control group was exposed to normal saline.
55.All patients agreed to treatment with written consent.
第10回 症例報告3:治療の実施、治療効果
46.急性水頭症を併発していたため脳室ドレナージを行いました。 As the patient [ ] complications of acute hydrocephalus, ventricular drainage was performed.
47.血管内手術による新たな神経症状の出現はありませんでした。 No additional neurological symptoms [ ] after intravenous surgery.
48.フォローの脳血管撮影では動脈瘤の再発や新規出現はありませんでした。 We [ ] no recurrence or de novo appearance of aneurysm in the follow-up angiography.
49.高次脳機能障害が残存しましたが、麻痺は認められませんでした。 Higher brain dysfunction of the patient [ ] but palsy was absent.
50.術後、経過良好でリハビリテーション療法を併用し独歩退院となりました。 The postoperative course went well, and after rehabilitation therapy the patient became [ ] and was discharged.
36.A 60-year-old woman was referred to our office by her primary care physician for evaluation of hypercalcemia.
37.A 45-year-old woman presented to the emergency room complaining of acute onset of chest pain.
38.The patient had been aware of his decreased visual acuity for 5 years but did not seek treatment.
39.The medical history of the patient was unremarkable .
40.On admission, the patient showed moderate renal damage.
第7回 発表のゴールを示す
31.代表症例を供覧するとともにその手術手技を報告します。 We will demonstrate our [ ] cases and report our surgical techniques.
32.今回われわれは、……という症例の予後の検討を行ったので報告します。 In the present study, we [ ] and report the outcome of cases of ….
33.……の1例を経験したので、若干の文献的考察を加え報告します。 Because we experienced a case of …, we will report this case and review the [ ] .
34.我々は前頭蓋底手術の最近の工夫として、より安全な再建を目的としたVFOT フラップを臨床応用しました。 Our recent [ ] for anterior skull base surgery was to apply VFOT flap clinically for the purpose of safer reconstruction.
35.長年取り組まれてきた課題に、新たな解決方法を紹介します。 We will [ ] with you a new approach to solve the issue that has been the target for some time.
31.We will demonstrate our representative cases and report our surgical techniques.
32.In the present study, we analyze and report the outcome of cases of ….
33.Because we experienced a case of …, we will report this case and review the literature.
34.Our recent innovation for anterior skull base surgery was to apply VFOT flap clinically for the purpose of safer reconstruction.
35.We will share with you a new approach to solve the issue that has been the target for some time.
第6回 方法論を紹介する
26.当科ではクリッピング術を第一選択としています。 In our department, neck clipping is the treatment of [ ].
27.コイル塞栓術の治療成績が向上したか検討しました。 We [ ] the treatment results of coil embolization.
28.また、症例数は少ないのですが、当科で経験した予後不良群24例の比較検討を行いました。 We also [ ] and analyzed 24 cases of poor prognosis in our department, although the number of cases was low.
29.糖尿病マウスの肝臓と心筋におけるビタミンB6含有量を測定しました。 We [ ] vitamin B6 content in the liver and heart muscle of diabetic mice.
30.特に実験動物の年齢要因に注目しました。 We [ ] close attention to the age factor in the experimental animals.
26.In our department, neck clipping is the treatment of choice.
27.We evaluated the treatment results of coil embolization..
28.We also compared and analyzed 24 cases of poor prognosis in our department, although the number of cases was low.
29.We measured vitamin B6 content in the liver and heart muscle of diabetic mice.
30.We paid close attention to the age factor in the experimental animals.
第5回 具体的な論点を挙げる
21.……療法についてはあまり知られていません。 [ ] is known about … therapy.
22.……に関する論文は非常に少ないです。 The literature on … is very [ ].
23.各疾患における至適バクロフェン投与量に関しては不明な点も多いのです。 There are a [ ] of unclear points regarding the appropriate amount of baclofen administration for different diseases.
24.他臓器の悪性腫瘍と比較しても、その予後はいまだ不良です。 Its prognosis is still poor [ ] compared with malignant tumors in other locations.
25.予防策や治療方法は依然不明です。 Prevention measures and treatments are [ ] unknown.
23.There are a number of unclear points regarding the appropriate amount of baclofen administration for different diseases.
24.Its prognosis is still poor when compared with malignant tumors in other locations.
25.Prevention measures and treatments are still unknown.
第4回 背景を述べる(3)
16.発作時の対応を指導することは、入院回数を減らし、医療費も軽減させることが示されました。 It has been [ ] that to guide handling of the patients during an attack could decrease the number of hospitalizations and reduce medical costs.
17.まず、従来の研究の問題点をあげてみます。 First, let me point [ ] the problems of previous studies.
18.良好な成績が期待できるようになりました。 We have [ ] to expect good results.
19.……の治療は、手術の改良により、大きな転換期を迎えています。 Treatment of … is [ ] a significant turning point thanks to the improvement of surgical techniques.
20.ドナー側の年齢要因を十分考慮する必要があると思われます。 We should fully take into [ ] the aging factor of the donor side.